If a student in one of your lab sections is unable to log in, please try the following troubleshooting steps. If none of these resolve the issue, please contact the EECS IT Helpdesk.
getent passwd netid
where netid is the student's UTK NetID. If the EECS account exists, you should see output like this:getent passwd jruser jruser:*:19417:2405:Joe User:/home/jruser:/bin/zsh
If there is no output, the student has no valid EECS account. Please have them contact or come by the EECS IT Helpdesk to get their account created.
) and run:net user netid /domain | find “UTK.EECS.AllUsers”
where netid is the student's UTK NetID. Please note that capitalization (such as the “U” in AllUsers) matters. If this command produces any output, the user has a valid EECS account. Sample output:net user jruser /domain | find "UTK.EECS.AllUsers" Global Group memberships *UTK.EECS.AllUsers *UTK.UTApps.Licgroup3
If there is no output, the student has no valid EECS account. Please have them contact or come by the EECS IT Helpdesk to get their account created.