====== VLSI Virtual Lab ======
The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 VLSI systems have been retired. Watch this space for updates on RHEL 9.
The virtual VLSI lab consists of a number of remote-access-only Linux teaching/research systems. These systems can be accessed via [[knowledge-base:general:remote-access:ssh|SSH]] and [[knowledge-base:general:remote-access:vnc|RealVNC]].
Please see the [[knowledge-base:linux-topics:vlsi_systems|How To Use The VLSI Systems]] page for software and usage information.
To keep up with news on this virtual lab, join our [[https://outlook.office365.com/owa/ut_eecs_lnx_engr@live.utk.edu/groupsubscription.ashx?action=join&source=MSExchange/LokiServer&guid=709f3558-644c-4b9d-a547-8636601035c9|Office 365 Linux Engineering Software Group]] (UTK/Tennessee email addresses only).
===== Hardware Information =====
All systems are named ''vlsiX.eecs.utk.edu'' where ''X'' is a number.
==== VLSI9 - VLSI15 ====
* KVM Virtual Machine
* 7 virtual processor cores, running on Intel Xeon Silver 4214R 2.40GHz
* 20GB RAM
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8