====== Troubleshooting Login Problems ====== If a student in one of your lab sections is unable to log in, please try the following troubleshooting steps. If none of these resolve the issue, please contact the [[:|EECS IT Helpdesk]]. ===== General Troubleshooting ===== - Ask the student who cannot log into an EECS system to check their UTK NetID account by logging in at [[https://directory.utk.edu/login]]. If the user is unable to log in to the UTK directory, there is a problem with the NetID. The [[https://ds.tennessee.edu/passwords/|UTK Password Tools]] may be helpful and, if necessary, the student can contact the [[https://help.utk.edu|OIT Help Desk]]. ===== Linux Labs ===== - Check if the user has a valid EECS account. From any EECS Linux system run ''getent passwd netid'' where //netid// is the student's UTK NetID. If the EECS account exists, you should see output like this:getent passwd jruser jruser:*:19417:2405:Joe User:/home/jruser:/bin/zshIf there is no output, the student has no valid EECS account. Please have them contact or come by the [[:|EECS IT Helpdesk]] to get their account created. - If a user has repeatedly typed an incorrect password, their account will be banned from logging in for 10 minutes. Only the [[:|EECS IT Helpdesk]] can unban users early. Some reasons a students may be entering their login information incorrectly: - They are using capital letters in their username/NetID. When logging into EECS systems, usernames must be entered in lowercase. - The CAPS-LOCK key is engaged. ===== Windows Labs ===== - Check if the user has a valid EECS account. From any EECS Windows system, open a Command Prompt (''cmd.exe'') and run:''net user netid /domain | find "UTK.EECS.AllUsers"'' where //netid// is the student's UTK NetID. Please note that capitalization (such as the "U" in AllUsers) matters. If this command produces any output, the user has a valid EECS account. Sample output:net user jruser /domain | find "UTK.EECS.AllUsers" Global Group memberships *UTK.EECS.AllUsers *UTK.UTApps.Licgroup3 If there is no output, the student has no valid EECS account. Please have them contact or come by the [[:|EECS IT Helpdesk]] to get their account created.