===== Submit an EECS IT Support Request ===== Use the form below to submit a request to the EECS IT staff.
Action mail ithelp@eecs.utk.edu usemailtemplate supporttemplate Subject "@@Short_Description@@" Thanks "Thank you for submitting your EECS IT Support Request. You should be receiving an email confirmation shortly." Fieldset "Personal Information" Textbox "First Name" Textbox "Last Name" Email "Your E-Mail Address" @@ Textbox "UTK NetID" ! Textbox "Advisor/Supervisor Name" Fieldset "Problem Description" Textbox "Computer Name" ! Textbox "Building Name/Room" ! Textbox "Short Description" static "Things to consider in your message:" static "What applications were you running?" static "What were the exact error messages or other observed events?" static "What date and time did the problem occur?" static "Please do not include passwords in your message." Textarea "Support Request" submit "Submit Support Request"